Telling the facts, one blog at a time!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

God Bless Wiki Leaks: Here's Why!

God Bless Wiki Leaks

What did the DNC Leaks reveal you ask? Racism against blacks, Hispanics, Jews, homosexuals, targeting Sanders, sending protesters out to target Trump, discussing placing craigslist ads to frame Trump, selling federal positions for donations (last I checked, that was a crime), media collusion, saying Hillary wanted to keep her voters ignorant and much more. Will the FBI investigate (Clinton Cash) Hillary selling off America and farmers/ranchers being harassed and/or killed for their land? Oh and Hillary does pay trolls to comment on social media on her behalf.

...and just like the Russian hacker deflection, you are pointing at something that has no bearing on the fact that the high ranking DNC officials wrote these e-mails, and a systemic culture of corruption within the organization enabled it.

Completely irrelevant.

Deflect. Deflect. Deflect. 

"The Russians did it to help Trump!" Really? Who wrote the gosh damned emails in the first place?! If they didn't do anything wrong, the they wouldn't have to worry about placing blame, now would they?

"If they had broken into both of the DNC and RNC servers and leaked both sets of info simultaneously, the information would carry much more weight." Really? Perhaps the RNC just didn’t have any dirt to spread, every thought of that?

"Selective monitoring implies a biased agenda, and when a hostile foreign power is involved, it inevitably implies a hostile motivation. “That’s the same faulty logic used to demonize Snowden.

Whether you like to admit it or not, the Russians have done the United States a public service just like Snowden did. The only argument that says otherwise is the one that asserts voters are somehow not served by being better informed about who and what they vote for.

Putin, Assange, nor the hacker that sent those emails actually wrote them, therefore are not dictating the election results as people seem the think. The DNC brought this upon themselves by writing the trash.

Although we do not know for certain that it was Russia that leaked these emails, it has come to the point now where liberals are screaming that this is illegal. Not only Russia is at fault with them, but also Trump for joking that he would like for Russia to go ahead and release the other 30k emails that Hillary deleted that are believed to be in their possession. This is FALSE. No one has committed treason and IF Russia did release the emails, they are in perfect legal standing to do so. We have a 1999 signed Treaty with Russia on "Mutual Assistance with Crime." (link below) Therefore, Russia can release ALL of it and they're doing nothing wrong!!! #BringItOnRussia #LetsDoThis #LockHerUp #MAGA

We have an Angel in disguise out there somewhere who has Americas best interest at heart. God bless him/her!! 

 Love y'all!

Kristen White

Monday, July 25, 2016

Hot Topics: The Bad, The Terrible, & The Ugly Truth

Afternoon Friends! 

It’s been awhile for me but let’s cover a few topics.


Bernie joining the wrong team? Why be shocked? We all knew it was going to happen. The evil runs deep on that side and money is what makes their world go round and keeps them safe. I just don’t know how the Bernie supporters didn't know this would happen. I'm not saying the republicans don't have their issues but they're definitely nowhere near as corrupt as the democrats. It's always been about power and money with them. They use the poor and poverty stricken to further their agenda and then do absolutely nothing for them. It's a shame people keep voting against their best interests.

Never mind, I lied, I do know what the problem with Bernie voters is, we have become a nation largely populated by latte swilling, self-centered idiots so caught up in texting and staring at a cell phone waiting for another idiot to contact them that we are in deep, deep trouble. Useless college degrees aren't helping the situation either. We've let technology rob mankind of an entire generation, and it's turned them into little, mindless robots, incapable of rational reasoning, thinking and common sense!

Bernie voter mindset: “I am too bummed thinking about all the free stuff Bernie was going to give me to even think about the value of anything. I really value gossip about Kim Kardashians booty, my "free" government GMO welfare food, and I look forward to my next college class that doesn’t use textbooks but has replaced them with Meme's... I mean books are boring, memes are fun, awesome, and 100% correct!”  #ZOMBIE

Racial divide: 

To all of you race baiters, it's called conditioning.  People have been conditioned, especially in the last few years, to believe they are victims. That again, is the Democratic way. “If you don’t believe what I believe, then you’re racist!” Never mind the fact that I, myself, am a minority, but I too have become a “racist.” They don’t ever let pesky facts get in the way though. Especially statistics that don’t jive with their message. They find a way around those too. Like, my favorite, the stats are wrong as “black people are a minority number so of course it appears that whites are harmed more by police.” Wrong again folks. The race-baiters have been on TV citing Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Talk about lousy examples...but let’s use them anyways since that’s what the fuss is about. Side note: I recall one case where a policeman shot a black man in the back as he ran away unarmed and then planted a gun on him. Why don't they use that example? That's a good one. But, I digress, we can really break it down by area where these Trayvon’s and Michael Brown types have been shot and I’m willing to put money on the fact that those areas, although LEO’s are predominantly white, are predominantly black neighborhoods. The numbers, released by the black DOJ, are not wrong, you are. Next excuse, please. 

In 2014, there were a total of 233 blacks killed by police (not just by whites.) (There were another 311 where the race of the victim was not mentioned.) That means there was a total of 544 POSSIBLE blacks killed by police in the year 2014 assuming that all the ones where the race was not mentioned were blacks. (That's highly unlikely given that half of all police killings are of whites). We know that few of those were even alleged to be unjustified. Probably fewer than 10% where an allegation was even made that it wasn't a righteous killing. Of those, how many times was the cop not even white? We know that black and Hispanic officers are 3.3 times more likely to kill black than white officers. 

There are actually very few actual cases of racism nowadays but you would think it's more rampant than ever. It's a tactic that the people in power like because it promotes divisiveness.  Quit allowing yourself to be a victim, hiding behind every excuse in the democratic book and you will find out that all of this garbage is just a hoax. There is no epidemic of white police officers killing blacks. There are so few killings of blacks by white cops that LEO’s should actually be commended. There are so few that it's praiseworthy in a nation of 310 million people.

Given the facts above, I estimate that less than 20 white cops could even have gotten away with murder of a black man in the nation of 310 million people. That is insignificant. It's not even a statistical blip. That few is praiseworthy. We should be celebrating that there are so few of this type of racist killings by police in these United States.

A true president would call for unity in our country! But, in the case of Mr. Obama, he did not know the facts first. His first statement after the shooting was on race, then the shootings, then dealing with guns. No statement about how senseless it was, how we should stand as a nation, respect each one and listen to their opinions, how we should mourn as a country all lives lost for no reason, how we need to band together to overcome these issues dividing our people as we are all Americans and are stronger together. That's what a president should be saying. Instead, he can’t wait to hop on the mic, without the facts there, and condemn police “brutality” and guns to further fuel his divisive agenda. After all, a nation divided is historically much easier to conquer. Good job for taking the bait y’all!

Independent Voters: 

Quick fun fact: Not all independents are liberal. In fact, a huge majority of them are conservative -- that's why Romney won the Independent vote against Obama. I love that the “bern-outs” think that without them neither candidate can win, wrong. Does no one do research anymore before opening their mouths? Look, Trump’s message jives much more with the corrupt Hillary message. Come join us! We don’t need you, but we want you! Help us come together to defeat a common enemy, Hillary Clinton.


Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama…Now you want another Clinton? Have you lost your mind? Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

I hear all the time that between Hillary and Trump, we are better off with Hillary. Say what again? Tell that to the innocent victims and soldiers of the wars Hillary pushed like Iraq, Libya, etc. Tell that to the democratically elected government in Honduras she helped overthrow. Tell that to the people of Haiti who wanted an increase of their minimum wage to $0.61/hour which Hillary stopped. Tell that to US citizens who had their 4th Amendment right spit upon by Hillary's massive push for the Patriot Act. Tell that to the 99% who has had their wages destroyed to support corporate welfare and trickle-down economics pushed by none other than Hillary.

I can keep going but you get the picture.

Hillary Voter mindset: “It’s a progressive gene that compels me to deny people a choice, to decide for what is best for everyone and to force my will, my morality, and my distorted world view upon the majority of people who are perfectly capable of making these types of decisions for themselves.”  #Idiots

Like all carriers of this progressive gene, Liberals hold people in low regard because their high-minded do-gooderism surpasses their freedom, liberty and personal choices. They don’t care that the Affordable Care Act is unaffordable, that increasing minimum wage will bankrupt most small businesses, that “free” college is unfeasible, and that allowing men into little girls rooms is dangerous and wrong, etc.… Just like them letting in hundreds of thousands of un-vetted Muslims into our country and erasing our borders – American safety be damned!

Wow. It looks like many of the liberal progressives have been infected by “What difference does it make?” disease.

What was going on in Benghazi? What difference does it make?

Did Hillary break the law in handling classified material? What difference does it make?”

Was national security compromised? What difference does it make?”

Were political favors made in exchange for "donations" to the Clinton Foundation? What difference does it make?”

As you can see, “what difference does it make?” is an inexhaustible source of progressive energy that will propel our nation into a statist utopia - a place where abortionists can conduct their affairs in secret and away from prying eyes. If you feel like a world without freedom, liberty, opportunity and “what difference would it make” is your ideal world because at least everyone would be “equal”, then you’re definitely ready for Hilldog! A candidate that has sold her soul to the highest bidder with no remorse or care for the American people.

In a Facebook exchange with a Clinton supporter, I asked what I ask here - when has Clinton ever, in her history, cast a vote in support of her constituents that opposed her donors' interests? Therefore, telling me why I should vote for her over Trump, here’s what I got.

“She voted for Card Check, making unions ever so slightly easier to organize, and to allow the re-import of drugs from Canada.” Of course, neither of those passed, and it is common practice for legislators to get on the losing end of a known loser of a bill in order to shore up their ideological bonafides...

I know that Clinton has still never failed her large donors. I would further acknowledge that she has no intention of crossing them in the White House. So, regardless of her talking points on the issues, and looking at her large donor list, I fully expect Wall St execs will go back through the revolving door into positions of power at the Fed and Treasury. Dodd-Frank's authority to break up banks that are a systemic threat to the economy will continue to be ignored. The regulators in the SEC will continue to work hand-in-glove with the banks, the ratings agencies will continue to have an improper relationship with the investment houses, and the casino will continue unabated.

 Some mild, worthless grant money may be offered to poor people for college, with so much red tape and bureaucracy that it is virtually impossible to obtain. After all, we have to collect enough information to ensure that little Johnny isn't gaming the system. Compare that to the single page form the Wall St banks had to fill out in order to obtains no-strings-attached checks for billions of dollars.

Meanwhile, the golden goose of the lending industry - student loan debt - will continue unabated. The lending industry worked hard to "reform" the bankruptcy laws to ensure students couldn't weasel out of their hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt by filing bankruptcy. With Clinton's help, they've ensure student loan debt isn't dischargeable. Students under a President Clinton will continue to be the debt laden serfs they are now.

The idea of actual campaign finance reform will die. Sure, if she can manage it, she'll hobble the dark money republicans depend on, but she will continue to sell the bald-faced lie that her donor base has never influenced her position on the issues. Of course, when any Republican votes against any gun control legislation, she'll point out how much money that Republican received from the NRA. It may be a valid point, but it undercuts her own contention that donations are not corruptive.

Fracking will be ramped up. A Carbon tax won't even be considered. She is not a serious opponent of climate change, because of her fossil fuel ties.

Appointments to the FCC will go to people sympathetic to killing Net Neutrality. She claims to be a supporter of net neutrality. The people she appoints to the commission that controls it will tell us if she's lying or not. Given the vast amount of money she's received from Comcast and Time-Warner, that investment suggests she might not be sincere in her assertions.

And there will be war. So much war. Blood will be shed both on our soil, and foreign soil.

"To stand silent when they should protest, makes cowards out of men." - Abraham Lincoln

The War on Muslims – Unfair or Unavoidable?

For those whom are up in arms about the “refugees” needing a new home and “we’re the melting pot so they can be here too!” is all a bunch of crap. We’ve been at war previously with them and will continue to do so unless we get a strong president who will put them in their place again. Since no one spends time in their history books anymore, let me tell you a story…

The Battle of Tripoli:

Donald Trump is our modern day Thomas Jefferson...    In 1801, the United States fought Islam. Thomas Jefferson led the charge! Our Marines were called LEATHERNECKS because of the leather collars they wore to keep from being beheaded.  

Why the Marine Hymn Contains the Verse:  "TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI" 

This very interesting and a must read piece of our history. It points out where we may be heading.

Most Americans are unaware of the fact that over two hundred years ago the United States had declared war on Islam and Thomas Jefferson led the charge!

At the height of the eighteenth century, Muslim pirates (the “Barbary Pirates”) were the terror of the Mediterranean and a large area of the North Atlantic.

They attacked every ship in sight, and held the crews for exorbitant ransoms. Those taken hostage were subjected to barbaric treatment and wrote heart-breaking letters home, begging their government and family members to pay whatever their Mohammedan captors demanded.

These extortionists of the high seas represented the North African Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers - collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast - and presented a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American Republic.

Before the Revolutionary War, U.S. merchant ships had been under the protection of Great Britain. When the U.S. declared its independence and entered into war, the ships of the United States were protected by France. However, once the war was won, America had to protect its own fleets.

Thus, the birth of the U.S. Navy. Beginning in 1784, seventeen years before he would become president, Thomas Jefferson became America 's Minister to France. That same year, the U.S. Congress sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in the footsteps of European nations who paid bribes to the Barbary States rather than engaging them in war.

In July of 1785, Algerian pirates captured American ships, and the Dye of Algiers demanded an unheard-of ransom of $60,000. It was a plain and simple case of extortion, and Thomas Jefferson was vehemently opposed to any further payments. Instead, he proposed to Congress the formation of a coalition of allied nations who together could force the Islamic states into peace. A disinterested Congress decided to pay the ransom.

In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli 's ambassador to Great Britain to ask by what right his nation attacked America n ships and enslaved American citizens, and why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.

The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran that all nations who would not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Despite this stunning admission of premeditated violence on non-Muslim nations, as well as the objections of many notable American leaders, including George Washington, who warned that caving in was both wrong and would only further embolden the enemy, for the following fifteen years the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to over twenty percent of the United States government annual revenues in 1800.

Jefferson was disgusted. Shortly after his being sworn in as the third President of the United States in 1801, the Pasha of Tripoli sent him a note demanding the immediate payment of $225,000 plus $25,000 a year for every year forthcoming.

That changed everything.

Jefferson let the Pasha know, in no uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand. The Pasha responded by cutting down the flagpole at the American consulate and declared war on the United States. Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers immediately followed suit. Jefferson, until now, had been against America raising a naval force for anything beyond coastal defense, but, having watched his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery for long enough, decided that it was finally time to meet force with force.

He dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean and taught the Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast a lesson he hoped they would never forget. Congress authorized Jefferson to empower U.S. ships to seize all vessels and goods of the Pasha of Tripoli and to "cause to be done all other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war would justify".

When Algiers and Tunis, who were both accustomed to American cowardice and acquiescence, saw the newly independent United States had both the will and the right to strike back, they quickly abandoned their allegiance to Tripoli. The war with Tripoli lasted for four more years, and raged up again in 1815. The bravery of the U.S. Marine Corps in these wars led to the line "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine Hymn, and they would forever be known as "LEATHERNECKS" for the leather collars of their uniforms, designed to prevent their heads from being cut off by the Muslim scimitars when boarding enemy ships.

Islam, and what its Barbary followers justified doing in the name of their prophet and their god, disturbed Jefferson quite deeply.

America had a tradition of religious tolerance. In fact, Jefferson, himself, had co-authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, but fundamentalist Islam was like no other religion the world had ever seen. A religion based on supremacism, whose holy book not only condoned but mandated violence against unbelievers, was unacceptable to him. His greatest fear was that someday this brand of Islam would return and pose an even greater threat to the United States.

It's unavoidable and this should concern every American. What some do not even know is that so called “Americanized Muslims” have already brought about women-only classes and swimming times at taxpayer-funded universities and public pools; that Christians, Jews, and Hindus have been banned from serving on juries where Muslim defendants are being judged; Piggy banks and Porky Pig tissue dispensers have been banned from workplaces because they offend Islamist sensibilities; ice cream has been discontinued at certain Burger King locations because the picture on the wrapper looks similar to the Arabic script for Allah; public schools are pulling pork from their menus; on and on and on and on….

It's death by a thousand cuts, or inch-by-inch as some refer to it, and most Americans have no idea that this battle is being waged every day across America. Obama and his minions are all for it. Don’t be blind. Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist. In case you did not know, a conspiracy is only that until you wake up one day and it’s true. Don’t wait till then to apologize to me as there won’t be a power grid to do so. By not fighting back, by allowing groups to obfuscate what is really happening, and not insisting that the Islamists adapt to our own culture, the United States is cutting its own throat with a politically correct knife, and helping to further the Islamists agenda. Sadly, it appears that today America's STUPID leaders and their obedient bleeding heart followers, would rather be politically correct than victorious! It’s time to wake up now! It’s better to be safe now than to be sorry later!

If you have any doubts about the above information, just Google “Thomas Jefferson vs. the Muslim World.

Please, help make America safe and prosperous again! Please, help me to make America a country our children and their children can grow up safely in! We once had a country to be proud of and with history being lost on so many, we’re facing a Hillary coronation with a side order of New World Order (NOW) that will not allow our children to be free, safe and happy. Elect Donald J. Trump for President 2016! & 2020!


Kristen White

“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

False Interpretations and the Light

False Interpretations and the Light

For the last few blogs I have written, I have always reminded my readers that I am an independent that firmly stands behind the American Constitution. I believe that the Constitution, much like the Bible, is a living, breathing document that withstands the test of time. It was delicately written, and well thought out by our intuitive, ingenious founding fathers in such a way that the interpretations of it can be accurately used to set our policy precedence for our entire existence on this planet. Sure, there can always be additions, but for the most part I would have to expect that most sane American people would agree with me on that—keyword “sane.” However, very recently I have decided that I will be voting for Mr. Trump and I am here today to explain some of the recent major issues we have been witness to, and why it’s necessary to continue the course to “Make America Great Again!”

False Interpretations:

When Mr. Trump announced that he intended on running for the highest office in the land, one of the first things he stated was that “Mexico is not sending us their best.” He goes on to describe what he sees as far as who has come here illegally and how it affects our America domestically. He reminded people that being a foreigner in the country without permission from the government is a crime as well; which, is a fact that the current administration loves to ignore. He also talked about closing all borders and no longer allowing Muslim refugees, or any kind for that matter, into our country because they aren’t being vetted properly. The media twisted both statements beyond recognition. Regarding the first, they claimed that Mr. Trump had said that “all Mexican immigrants were rapists.” He said no such thing. He simply said the Mexican government has a habit of dumping its criminals on us. That is a true statement and in no way casts aspersions on Mexicans in general. The second statement was a serious policy proposal about how to make sure radical Islamic terrorists could not sneak into our country pretending to be “refugees,” but the media misrepresented this as Mr. Trump demanding some sort of religious litmus test or something of the sort.

None of his statements were anything close to resembling “racist,” “xenophobic” or “bigoted.” What happened to our America when a citizen who speaks in truths is quickly dismissed or ridiculed, which by the way is the very definition of bigotry, for statements that are not untrue? Let me be the first to say that while I believe Mr. Trump is an amazingly smart businessman, I will admit that I do not think that he has the public speaking experience that most would expect of a Presidential candidate. However, does that really matter? What he says is from his heart and not malicious in any way, shape or form. He simply wants his and your America safe and prosperous for all. Nevertheless, people from all over the country were in an uproar over these sorts of statements. I think that is where Mr. Trump has been left with such unfavorable ratings. People hear these medias lies, and interpret them the way they feel is accurate and then spew their misunderstandings to others. It’s a never ending circle of misinterpretation, lies and thin skin. Instead, people should have looked further into what Mr. Trump was saying. For anyone that has done their research, and then has followed him to this day, we’ve found out that the media has been twisting Mr. Trump’s words from the beginning but we are having a hard time convincing others of the truth. But, I digress…

Are We Seeing the Light Now?

What originally seemed to be a brash and an overly broad attempt to define illegal invaders in our country is now proving to have been entirely accurate. What we are seeing with this election and the “protestors” of Trump is everything he was speaking about. These people who stomp the American flag, wave their countries flag, and downright disrespect anyone who disagrees with them are an atrocity to the human race. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for protesting, but peacefully, and not at the expense of our country being drug down into a common third world mess. The points that Donald Trump made are echoed in the realization of many Americans. The vile demonstrations against Mr. Trump by squatting Mexican and Central Americans were encouraged and inevitable, given the criminal empowerment by the Democrats and their complicit Republican establishment sellouts. Illegals no longer fear being deported. In fact, recently in California they marched and demanded that our government give them more, and have been convinced that they have some perverse right to be here. Neither are they concerned about being arrested for their crimes. They have a third world thought process which includes incarceration as just being part of life.

Being an American used to mean something to everyone. 

Fleeing their countries to be better than their third world upbringing meant a chance for betterment of themselves and their families. They no longer take pride in the country that has given them everything. They insist on turning our nation into what they fled from, what sense does that even make? That’s not something we true patriots are willing to accept as just or inevitable. Do not get me wrong, there are quality individuals of all races and in all nations. The problem is that control of the selection process has been lost. Rather than entry being granted to those who respect the process, the rule of law and teach it to their children, it has gone to those who place their priority on evading the law and demanding that the government change to suit their desires. We, the American people are the class of the world and it is us who have every right to decide who comes into our nation and who cannot. We have the right to be selective, as we have been in the past, about who comes into America and who is allowed to influence and take part in our future.

All of you voters who are on the fence and shopping around for a candidate should stop and think about where our country is headed. Take a good look at the protesters holding up Mexican Flags and destroying property. Do you really want that kind of behavior being rewarded? Listen carefully to the Democrats. They tell us these thugs have the right to protest. They never say it isn't okay to destroy property or beat up on citizens, like you and I who just want to listen to what candidates have to say. Listen to the other candidates in the primary race saying it's all Trump's fault. Really? What exactly has Mr. Trump said that is racist or hateful? I challenge anyone to reply with a list of hateful messages Trump is spreading. I have yet to get a single response when this question is posed to the opposing side. By the way, building a wall on our southern border isn't racist. Wanting to know exactly who is immigrating into this country isn't racist. We have laws to protect all citizens from the threat of terrorism. Those of you who reside in California know what TJ looks like. Want your state to resemble your southern neighbors? I don't think so!

It's a sad day for the United States when advocating for a principle as fundamental as the Rule of Law is an overwhelmingly uphill battle. Protesting is what Martin Luther King Jr. did. What these liberals are doing now is inciting hatred through mass riots and threatening public peace by assaulting people that exercise their right to free speech. Know who else ruthlessly beat civilians that expressed a differing opinion? The Nazis, the Communists, etc. The fact that these left wing agitators keep fighting against the Rule of Law again proves that they are not fighting for the United States. Profoundly unpatriotic people that have no regards for the rule of law, freedom of speech and refuse to debate with facts. Liberals claim the Right is racist. It's important to note that the Right develops policies that are in the benefit of ALL Americans. The left seeks to disunite people by inciting racial hatred, hatred towards the state and creating division with class warfare. These agitators are the real demagogues.

Who’s to Blame?

Aren't you getting tired of the political elites and the media trying to tell you, what you should think, what you should think about, what you should say and what you believe? They manipulate, twist and decide what you hear, they decide what is important, and they say it in a way that influences how they want you to see it. Enough is enough. Mr. Trump took the lead in this and Dr. Carson and the others joined in like respectable candidates on the same team usually always do. Thank you Mr. Trump, Dr. Carson, Mr. Christie and others, you just prove that when you have a leader, you can pull together and get things done. Do you think that we would be talking about anything at all if it wasn’t for Mr. Trump?? He has done more for the US than Obama has in seven years. This team would take care of all that is a problem in our nation right now. The media, Facebook, and top political people are so used to controlling what people see and hear; therefore, controlling what people think and feel. The fact that they can't control Donald J. Trump scares the crap out of them. He is speaking out where no one else wants to go and forcing other candidates to discuss matters that they would normally avoid real answers on during a presidential campaign. For a candidate to have a solid position on some of the most controversial policies during an election is almost unheard of. More often than not, they dance around the issues with their amazing speech writers, all the while, voters are being duped by not getting REAL answers on how or what the candidate would do on said issue. If Mr. Trump wins, the government would lose control of everything they hide from the American people. Mr. Trump would hold all of them accountable for their actions and we would no longer have corruption in politics—I guarantee it. 

The Truth:

Let’s get one thing clear that the media has not been clear on: Of the 3 current Republican candidates, they have a combined 20.6m popular votes. Trump has 10m votes - or 50%. Just FYI, 35-40% when running against 2-10 other people is still technically a majority and Trump has carried that throughout this election so far. So, for him to currently have 50%, speaks volumes about Trump’s electability.

By delegate count, there are 1714 divided among the current 3 candidates. Trump has 996 delegates, which means he actually does have the majority (71.4%) out of the remaining candidates. The media has said there WILL be a brokered convention as Trump has no way to get the 1237 delegates needed to claim the nomination outright; however, that couldn’t be less true. There are still 571 delegates left in this election that are up for grabs, and Trump only needs 241 (23.9%) of those that are left. Make no mistake, the media, liberals and anti-Trumper’s would love nothing more than for you to think that he does not have a chance. They are wrong, and if the polls are any indication of what is to happen in the future, then congrats on that nomination Mr. Trump!

Running on a platform to restore America’s economic and global leadership, Mr. Trump has won millions more votes and more delegates than any other GOP candidate in the 2016 presidential field. We’re voting in record numbers for the man who is the biggest vote-getter in American primary history. Do not leave your decision up to anyone else. Get registered and get out there and vote America! Let your voice be heard loud and clear. If not for your sake, then for the sake of all other Americans, to include your children, grandchildren and future generations to come! Let’s take back OUR America and with Mr. Trump “Make America Great Again!”

Thanks All! I will be back this week with more helpful information and exactly why I will be voting for Trump! Policies and all! 

Also, feel free to comment with any topics that you would like covered!

Kristen White

“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Voter Fraud: Truth?

Hello Readers!

Let me first start by saying that, I need to apologize to you all for not posting in a few weeks, as I have had some sudden life changes and writing has not been a top priority. On top of, I have been slowly writing about 5 different blogs for you all, but none that I feel passionate enough about, or that I feel will truly make a difference at this point in time in the election. Those will come soon though.

However, over the last couple of days I have witnessed dozens of people, campaigners and media outlets screaming “voter fraud!” and this not only shocks me, but saddens me that this is just now being realized by all. This has now sparked me to write to you all to inform you that, while this is all true, I have known it to always be a part of the process. Why is it such a shock to everyone else? Then, I remember, due to social media being the new normal way for everyone to receive their information now, lightning fast, this was not always the case before. I have to continue to remind myself of that. I will admit, I have never voted in an election before, until now, and I realize that may seem “stupid” to all of you, but I will further enlighten you of the process and why I have chosen not to involve myself fully before.

Did you know that the DNC and the RNC are both privately owned entities? Neither are actually part of the government. Yep, both “party” committees are fully privatized, with their own set of rules that can change at any given time. They are fully backed and funded by: private donors, corporations, labor organizations, federal government contractors, national banks and Super PACS. Meaning, that no matter which way you vote, be it Democrat or Republican, your vote doesn’t truly matter because each platform has their game plan and their own set of rules to overthrow what THE people want. The individuals running the platforms are just political elite party members who are favored within their particular party. In other words, can be bought and swayed easily. The chairmen/woman are told from the start, both parties, of who their nominee will be in each election, and it is the chairman/woman’s job to see to it that nomination happens. The elite do not believe that the people know what’s best for them, they haven’t for a long time. Ironic though, the Bernie supporters that are so “anti-establishment” are all uninformed about their party’s establishment roots. If they truly believed the establishment needs to be done away with, then they would encourage their “messiah” to go independent, but alas, they are new to the political regime and have no idea that they are voting with the ideals that they are screaming they are actually against. But, I digress, not even these two parties hold the key to the election – the publics rage with them is wrongful. The attention needs to be called towards the delegates and the electoral college.

What people fail to recall is that one does not become president by popular national vote… ever. One becomes president ONLY by 270 votes by the Electoral College. There’s been a bit of a secret political game going on since the mid 1950’s, or so, the truth is: presidential elections are now fought and won in just seven states. Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, and New Hampshire. These states are true swing states. They have no promised loyalty to one party or the other, hence the name “swing” state. The other 43 are already loyally pledged to either red or blue and there is not much changing that. There is only a rare occurrence where even these swing states can make a difference, and those only come into play if the party does not coalesce around their “chosen” party’s candidate. Which, I could argue I truly believe that should Trump reach the 1237 delegates that he needs to win outright, that the party will have no choice but to back him. To do otherwise is nothing short of party implosion and the end of the GOP as we know it. The party is learning quickly that with the new ways of obtaining and following information, that they cannot hide what they’re doing from the public, so, they will be forced to adhere to what the nation decides. That’s why the current goal is to not allow Trump to reach the official delegate count; however, it is still within the realm of possibility. Now, I could go on and on about how I believe the Electoral College vote will play out, but I want everyone else to do their own research on the matter. What I can say is this, I think that if it comes down to a Hillary VS Trump presidency, there will only be 4 swing states making the decision, and of those, they’re either not impressed with either, or leaning more towards Trump. Should the Republican Party choose to commit party suicide and not back Trump, if he reaches the delegates needed, then we will see the rare occurrence of these 7 swing states coming into play. Trump not succeeding in retaining the needed delegates will, however, lead to a brokered convention.  Same goes with Bernie on the other side. The brokered convention and a complete electoral college process will be broken down later in another blog. Let’s stick to what’s right in front of us now, and what we can all begin to do to ensure your party’s, whichever party you’re for, success. 

                I bring this all up because I hear so many people constantly stating that, “Hillary has won this already! What does it matter what we the people do?” This is wrong on so many levels. This is the defeatist attitude the parties and the media want you to have. This election is far from over. I run into far too many people that literally have no clue about what they’re backing. All that matters to them is who seems to run the platform that most closely represents their moral beliefs and values, and to hell with what anyone else thinks. You cannot pick your president this way and expect it to be rainbows and sunshine. They will fail you. There’s so much more going on behind the scenes and if you don’t have a solid understanding of this, then you will be disappointed. For instance, should Bernie manage to get into the White House, his policies will never pass Congress. He cannot bring the two parties together and he will be another empty suit with another 8 years of a phone and a pen, is that really what you want? Even Trump has a better chance of bringing the two parties together than, say Hillary, does. Look at his crossover votes, that matters!

People need to understand the election process further before they give up. The media is allowing you to be dissuaded from your candidate - be it Bernie, Trump, Kasich, etc. They are only showing you skewed information to make you give up and go home. It’s been interesting seeing the media misconstrue every word that comes out of Trump’s mouth and that’s what everyone eats up. However, now the Democratic Party is fearing Bernie’s rise so now they are doing the same to him, and you know what comments I see everywhere? “I’ll believe it when I see it!” Or, my favorite, “He NEVER said that, the media is twisting his words and it’s not fair!” Really? How is it suddenly not fair? Because it’s against your candidate? Hahaha, interesting. Look, right now, the fact is, this is nothing more than a horse race. Each party has their “chosen” candidate and all of the party elitists have placed their bets. It’s all fun and games for them! When the underdog’s start to rise, each party has damage control to do, but, ultimately, your vote does not really matter. It helps, but that’s not all there is to all of this: not by a long shot! If you truly want your candidate to win, I will give you the only solution.

My solution to you, to those who are involved in this election and truly want to make a difference, or a “revolution,” make sure your voice is heard, backed by FACTS! Simply voting will not make the difference. For instance, my long-time friend, Angie Peterson (I added her YouTube channel at the end of this blog for your viewing pleasure), is tirelessly working to spread her knowledge as far and wide as she can. She believes that knowledge is power, and that’s the pure unadulterated truth! Whether you are voting Democrat or Republican does not matter to me in the least. Educating yourself on WHAT and WHO you are voting for is the important part. Then, you can take that information and act on it. By educating yourself and others, you’re beginning to make a difference. Don’t stop there! Use that knowledge, begin writing to the delegates in your district to tell them how you feel…. again, use FACTS. We will not win a revolution to overthrow the government on pure emotion, no, we will win this thing with knowledge and bringing the politics-as-usual government to their knees. We ALL must write-in to the selected delegates in our districts, go viral with blogging or vlogging, go to rallies, stage protests! Do something besides complain! Give the parties, media and government no other option but to listen to their constituents!

Add in note: If you're unaware of your voting district, which is normal, start by contacting your Secretary of State, followed by your party affiliation within your state. For instance, California does have a republican and a democrat party headquarters. The link below is interactive. You can click on your state and find all of the information listed about your states voting laws, how many districts, how many delegates and a list of all the people you're able to contact by clicking on them.

Thanks All! I will be back shortly with more helpful information. Feel free to comment with any topics that you would like covered!

Kristen White
“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Democratic Party, In a Nutshell

Hello Folks! 

Back today to briefly discuss the Democratic Party as a whole. Now, as I have stated previously, I'm an independent with a firm belief in the Constitution. I will vote for whichever candidate, in whichever party, who's policies closely respect the Constitution. With that stated again, I'll go into detail about how the Democratic Party looks at the current moment and maybe we will visit the Republican Party in more depth in a few days. 

Let's start with a look at: The Democratic voting process. In the Democrat party you're not supposed to own your own vote, you vote for who they tell you to vote for, or else. Queen Hillary was the democratic hopeful back in 2008 before Obama came in like a wrecking ball. Defeating his adversary in a crushing way. Hillary to this day, hates the man and her party for it, but now it's her turn to shine. Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, the head of the DNC, has all but handed the nomination to Hillary on a silver platter by intentionally scheduling less debates, and scheduling them at inconvenient times. This is how the Democratic Party has always operated. It's nothing new. Voters decide the delegates, which is by popular majority, but wait.... the process is further complicated with super delegates! Most people think, "what in the world is a super delegate and why does that matter to me?" Well, super delegates are the Democratic Party elite and this is the democratic way to throw in a sneaky curve ball at the voters, whom are usually unaware of, or simply uneducated of the full process. While the delegates are tied to popular vote, the super delegates aren't tied to have to vote for any particular candidate and they hold 20% of the democratic vote. Yes, you heard me, 20% OF THE ENTIRE VOTE! Therefore, THEY are the ones who ultimately decide who they and their party feels is "best" for the job. Funny, it should be the voters deciding, but they're not. For instance, if Bernie manages to pull a win over Hillary, he has to win by well over 20% margin; otherwise, the super delegates can easily have him removed. Most Sander’s supports will foolishly tell you that the super delegates always end up conforming to the popular vote in the end; but, there’s no guarantee of that as that’s not in the democratic rule book and the Democratic Party is against Bernie's socialistic slant. 
·         Note: The Republican Party did have the same system up until the 80's but they've since changed their system to a lot less super delegates and those delegates are still tied to the popular vote. Talk about actually progressing! Go red! (CNN link provided at the end of this blog for further reference)

Furthermore, there's so much chatter going about social media that if "Hillary wins the nomination then we're writing Bernie in!" Hold on a second there partners, there's a BIG issue here. What most don't know, is that each state has write in ballot rules to be followed in order for them to even be counted. This happens every presidential election and 99% of those ballots get tossed. In fact, there are 6 states who do not allow write ins whatsoever (I'll include a link at the bottom of this blog for further reading). 

Then, the electoral college takes over. 

Let’s now examine: experience. Both candidates in the Democratic Party are basing a lot of their platform on them being the most experienced/qualified for the job of America's next President. I ask you this, what have these experienced politicians in the past 40 years given this country besides perpetual wars, poverty, big government dependency, homelessness, corruption and a two party system that caters to the whim of corporations who dole out the cash? Privatizing this country to the point that basic human rights have been replaced by profits for a select few. If you’re going to select a candidate, would it not make more sense to vote for someone who is currently unexperienced in the political arena? I mean, you can hardly run on a platform that clearly shows you as not doing a damn thing to actually help our country, can you? At the very least, after the last 7 years of a Democratic president, is it not obvious to everyone that we’re drowning in PC bullshit with a floundering economy? How can either of these candidates realistically promise us any better? 

Next, I give you: The candidates. I'm 32 years old. In theory a millennial and even I think Hillary is a pandering, gender shaming cunt. If people would actually examine her record she is John McCain on the issues and a plutocrat like Mitt Romney. She's an Establishment Republican but the only thing her coalition of middle age women care about is her vag. On top of, failures after failures and lies upon lies and her main campaign motto is, “more of Obama’s polices!” Good grief. As if we haven’t suffered enough with Obama’s policies? And then, BENGHAZI, need I really go on? 

Bernie is a pandering, "free shit," fairy dust sprinkling moron. Comparable to no one due to his completely undeniable socialistic, communistic beliefs. If people would actually examine his record, they wouldn't find much. In his 26 years in politics he has nothing to show for his time, besides cool pictures from protests he attended; meanwhile, he was drawing welfare and did not have his first real job until he was 40 years old. Post office renaming aside, I've read that he's the "amendment King." Know what that means? It tells me that he's not capable or smart enough to propose his own legislation but takes pride in tearing apart what others present.  

Now, let's examine democrats: Generelly speaking, the Democratic Party has always been very "liberal" or "progressive" in their ways of thinking. They test the boundaries on what's considered acceptable everyday. Things like: Civil rights, women's right, LGBT rights, scientific studies (like global warming theories), etc. Now, I admire the Democratic Party for their contributions over the decades, because without them, things may not have changed and progressed as quickly as they have. I mean, who isn't for Civil rights? While these issues should be discussed, the liberals typically always take the "it's our way or the highway" approach. They dig their heels in and demand what they want. The Republican Party is not necessarily against any of this; however, "conservatives" are just that, conservative. They prefer a milder approach and ensuring that others' rights or offenses are not infringing on others' rights and offenses; while also adhering to the Constitution. This to me, is the appropriate way of doing things. Not the democrats though! No, instead, they do things like give LGBT their rights to marry; however, without thinking it out ALL THE WAY THROUGH, we end up with lawsuits on Christian owned bakeries for refusing service. Let's not forget, their rights to religious freedom are actually in the Constitution, and equally as important as anyone else's but was that at all taken into consideration while the courts were ruling in the couples favor and all but forcing the company to go out of business? Nope. 

It's no secret that the democrats push big government rule and as much government welfare dependency as possible. Why? Because the more the people are reliant on them and ditch working hard for the American Dream, the more people will vote democrat to keep the freebies coming. That brings me to Bernie. Let's discuss "democratic socialism" a little bit. I'm sure most of you have heard the argument that we're already living in a socialistic type country, right? That the military, social security, Medicare, roads and highways, emergency services, public services, etc. are socialistic programs. Wrong. Just because something is named "social security" doesn't make it a socialist policy. A social program is defined as: a program designed to protect citizens from economic risk. The only example of socialism in our country is welfare. The rest are capitalistic programs paid for by taxpayers, as it should be.  It actually makes me laugh that free education is even in the mix. Look, public education K-12 is already funded by tax payers and government programs, and ran by the government, can we honestly say it's even worth it these days? Come on, common core ring a bell? My kids are highly intelligent and with the new teaching programs implemented they are becoming unchallenged and disengaged. 

Lastly, the supporters: Hardcore supporters of both democratic candidates are becoming equally annoying in their unyielding devotion that consists primarily of irritating hashtags, inaccurate memes, and name calling, simply because one would choose to keep their own vote and vote for whoever they like. And don't you dare vote with your values! Don't you dare!   

Welcome to the Democrat side of things, where you must conform or else. Because, well, clearly they’re a cult. I have no other ideas on what else to call them. With the fear mongering that a Republican president would be the “end of the country as we know it,” they have no shame in attacking each other and anyone who doesn't believe the way that they do, to ensure a democratic win no matter what.

Kristen White

“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The start of a new journey!

Hello friends and family and welcome to my blog! This post will be short and sweet as this is just an introduction of myself and my plans for this blog. So, here we go...

I am Kristen White, I'm 32 years old, with a wonderful husband and 2 handsome sons. I was born to poverty because my parents were too busy with their drug habits to truly care. It was being raised the way that I was that made me want to get my education and do better for myself. Working full time, raising kids and going to school full time has been rough, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished: the true American Dream. I'm not wealthy, but I'm not hurting either. If I can do it, anyone can. 

Over the last few decades, we have witnessed the Internet, namely social media, give rise and reshape politics in a way that no one would have ever thought possible. 

The internet and social media have given rise to allow for people to have more choices, freedom of information at their fingertips and the outlet to express themselves like never before. This evolution has changed the political arena in so many ways. People no longer just passively read the newspaper or catch what information they can on the evening news. Now, information is available with up to the minute alerts/updates. People are now communicating their opinions throughout the day and campaigning for their political party. 

This is a game changer for politics forever. 

With that, I myself, have taken to the Internet and debate on a daily basis with people from around the world. It has been eye opening at times and others, downright disgusting. Let me be clear before I continue, I am an independent who firmly believes in the Constitution of the United States. I will give my vote to any party available with whichever candidate appeals closest to how I feel will care for and lead America the way it should be lead. With strength, bravery, integrity, respect and love for all Americans. In this current presidential race, I have yet to back a candidate; however, I do know this, I will be voting red. 

A friend of many years, Angie Peterson, has read many of my posts and seen some of my debating over these last few months. She has convinced me to start a blog. Here we are. With this blog I promise to do what I've been doing all along. Informing myself on each candidate as the race continues and passing my knowledge on to you. I try to stay as unbiased as possible and there's a reason why. I have witnessed the liberal left wing, mostly Bernie supporters, call republicans every name known to man. They have little to no real political knowledge and they must resort to name calling, overload meme generating and even go as far as death threats in order to make themselves feel relevant. This is disturbing to say the least. I feel as though people can share knowledge of their candidates without being nasty. For being "tolerant" liberals I've seen far too many being intolerant and it makes me wonder what they are really all about. Is it Bernie's free shit plan? Or do they really think his policies will hold a grain of salt? After all, he's been in politics 26 years and has nothing to show for it but the renaming of a couple post offices. Otherwise, his healthcare policy has already failed in Vermont and he preaches about helping veterans but many have forgotten how he already failed them while being on the VA committee. But, I digress, instead of bickering with all of the people out there posting, I figure I'll write a blog and get my frustrations out here, while hopefully giving anyone who will read this a true idea of what's really happening in the world. 

Well, that wasn't very short at all! I'm passionate though! Haha! I'll be back again soon, enjoy! :)

Kristen White

“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey