Telling the facts, one blog at a time!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The start of a new journey!

Hello friends and family and welcome to my blog! This post will be short and sweet as this is just an introduction of myself and my plans for this blog. So, here we go...

I am Kristen White, I'm 32 years old, with a wonderful husband and 2 handsome sons. I was born to poverty because my parents were too busy with their drug habits to truly care. It was being raised the way that I was that made me want to get my education and do better for myself. Working full time, raising kids and going to school full time has been rough, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished: the true American Dream. I'm not wealthy, but I'm not hurting either. If I can do it, anyone can. 

Over the last few decades, we have witnessed the Internet, namely social media, give rise and reshape politics in a way that no one would have ever thought possible. 

The internet and social media have given rise to allow for people to have more choices, freedom of information at their fingertips and the outlet to express themselves like never before. This evolution has changed the political arena in so many ways. People no longer just passively read the newspaper or catch what information they can on the evening news. Now, information is available with up to the minute alerts/updates. People are now communicating their opinions throughout the day and campaigning for their political party. 

This is a game changer for politics forever. 

With that, I myself, have taken to the Internet and debate on a daily basis with people from around the world. It has been eye opening at times and others, downright disgusting. Let me be clear before I continue, I am an independent who firmly believes in the Constitution of the United States. I will give my vote to any party available with whichever candidate appeals closest to how I feel will care for and lead America the way it should be lead. With strength, bravery, integrity, respect and love for all Americans. In this current presidential race, I have yet to back a candidate; however, I do know this, I will be voting red. 

A friend of many years, Angie Peterson, has read many of my posts and seen some of my debating over these last few months. She has convinced me to start a blog. Here we are. With this blog I promise to do what I've been doing all along. Informing myself on each candidate as the race continues and passing my knowledge on to you. I try to stay as unbiased as possible and there's a reason why. I have witnessed the liberal left wing, mostly Bernie supporters, call republicans every name known to man. They have little to no real political knowledge and they must resort to name calling, overload meme generating and even go as far as death threats in order to make themselves feel relevant. This is disturbing to say the least. I feel as though people can share knowledge of their candidates without being nasty. For being "tolerant" liberals I've seen far too many being intolerant and it makes me wonder what they are really all about. Is it Bernie's free shit plan? Or do they really think his policies will hold a grain of salt? After all, he's been in politics 26 years and has nothing to show for it but the renaming of a couple post offices. Otherwise, his healthcare policy has already failed in Vermont and he preaches about helping veterans but many have forgotten how he already failed them while being on the VA committee. But, I digress, instead of bickering with all of the people out there posting, I figure I'll write a blog and get my frustrations out here, while hopefully giving anyone who will read this a true idea of what's really happening in the world. 

Well, that wasn't very short at all! I'm passionate though! Haha! I'll be back again soon, enjoy! :)

Kristen White

“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

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