Telling the facts, one blog at a time!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

False Interpretations and the Light

False Interpretations and the Light

For the last few blogs I have written, I have always reminded my readers that I am an independent that firmly stands behind the American Constitution. I believe that the Constitution, much like the Bible, is a living, breathing document that withstands the test of time. It was delicately written, and well thought out by our intuitive, ingenious founding fathers in such a way that the interpretations of it can be accurately used to set our policy precedence for our entire existence on this planet. Sure, there can always be additions, but for the most part I would have to expect that most sane American people would agree with me on that—keyword “sane.” However, very recently I have decided that I will be voting for Mr. Trump and I am here today to explain some of the recent major issues we have been witness to, and why it’s necessary to continue the course to “Make America Great Again!”

False Interpretations:

When Mr. Trump announced that he intended on running for the highest office in the land, one of the first things he stated was that “Mexico is not sending us their best.” He goes on to describe what he sees as far as who has come here illegally and how it affects our America domestically. He reminded people that being a foreigner in the country without permission from the government is a crime as well; which, is a fact that the current administration loves to ignore. He also talked about closing all borders and no longer allowing Muslim refugees, or any kind for that matter, into our country because they aren’t being vetted properly. The media twisted both statements beyond recognition. Regarding the first, they claimed that Mr. Trump had said that “all Mexican immigrants were rapists.” He said no such thing. He simply said the Mexican government has a habit of dumping its criminals on us. That is a true statement and in no way casts aspersions on Mexicans in general. The second statement was a serious policy proposal about how to make sure radical Islamic terrorists could not sneak into our country pretending to be “refugees,” but the media misrepresented this as Mr. Trump demanding some sort of religious litmus test or something of the sort.

None of his statements were anything close to resembling “racist,” “xenophobic” or “bigoted.” What happened to our America when a citizen who speaks in truths is quickly dismissed or ridiculed, which by the way is the very definition of bigotry, for statements that are not untrue? Let me be the first to say that while I believe Mr. Trump is an amazingly smart businessman, I will admit that I do not think that he has the public speaking experience that most would expect of a Presidential candidate. However, does that really matter? What he says is from his heart and not malicious in any way, shape or form. He simply wants his and your America safe and prosperous for all. Nevertheless, people from all over the country were in an uproar over these sorts of statements. I think that is where Mr. Trump has been left with such unfavorable ratings. People hear these medias lies, and interpret them the way they feel is accurate and then spew their misunderstandings to others. It’s a never ending circle of misinterpretation, lies and thin skin. Instead, people should have looked further into what Mr. Trump was saying. For anyone that has done their research, and then has followed him to this day, we’ve found out that the media has been twisting Mr. Trump’s words from the beginning but we are having a hard time convincing others of the truth. But, I digress…

Are We Seeing the Light Now?

What originally seemed to be a brash and an overly broad attempt to define illegal invaders in our country is now proving to have been entirely accurate. What we are seeing with this election and the “protestors” of Trump is everything he was speaking about. These people who stomp the American flag, wave their countries flag, and downright disrespect anyone who disagrees with them are an atrocity to the human race. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for protesting, but peacefully, and not at the expense of our country being drug down into a common third world mess. The points that Donald Trump made are echoed in the realization of many Americans. The vile demonstrations against Mr. Trump by squatting Mexican and Central Americans were encouraged and inevitable, given the criminal empowerment by the Democrats and their complicit Republican establishment sellouts. Illegals no longer fear being deported. In fact, recently in California they marched and demanded that our government give them more, and have been convinced that they have some perverse right to be here. Neither are they concerned about being arrested for their crimes. They have a third world thought process which includes incarceration as just being part of life.

Being an American used to mean something to everyone. 

Fleeing their countries to be better than their third world upbringing meant a chance for betterment of themselves and their families. They no longer take pride in the country that has given them everything. They insist on turning our nation into what they fled from, what sense does that even make? That’s not something we true patriots are willing to accept as just or inevitable. Do not get me wrong, there are quality individuals of all races and in all nations. The problem is that control of the selection process has been lost. Rather than entry being granted to those who respect the process, the rule of law and teach it to their children, it has gone to those who place their priority on evading the law and demanding that the government change to suit their desires. We, the American people are the class of the world and it is us who have every right to decide who comes into our nation and who cannot. We have the right to be selective, as we have been in the past, about who comes into America and who is allowed to influence and take part in our future.

All of you voters who are on the fence and shopping around for a candidate should stop and think about where our country is headed. Take a good look at the protesters holding up Mexican Flags and destroying property. Do you really want that kind of behavior being rewarded? Listen carefully to the Democrats. They tell us these thugs have the right to protest. They never say it isn't okay to destroy property or beat up on citizens, like you and I who just want to listen to what candidates have to say. Listen to the other candidates in the primary race saying it's all Trump's fault. Really? What exactly has Mr. Trump said that is racist or hateful? I challenge anyone to reply with a list of hateful messages Trump is spreading. I have yet to get a single response when this question is posed to the opposing side. By the way, building a wall on our southern border isn't racist. Wanting to know exactly who is immigrating into this country isn't racist. We have laws to protect all citizens from the threat of terrorism. Those of you who reside in California know what TJ looks like. Want your state to resemble your southern neighbors? I don't think so!

It's a sad day for the United States when advocating for a principle as fundamental as the Rule of Law is an overwhelmingly uphill battle. Protesting is what Martin Luther King Jr. did. What these liberals are doing now is inciting hatred through mass riots and threatening public peace by assaulting people that exercise their right to free speech. Know who else ruthlessly beat civilians that expressed a differing opinion? The Nazis, the Communists, etc. The fact that these left wing agitators keep fighting against the Rule of Law again proves that they are not fighting for the United States. Profoundly unpatriotic people that have no regards for the rule of law, freedom of speech and refuse to debate with facts. Liberals claim the Right is racist. It's important to note that the Right develops policies that are in the benefit of ALL Americans. The left seeks to disunite people by inciting racial hatred, hatred towards the state and creating division with class warfare. These agitators are the real demagogues.

Who’s to Blame?

Aren't you getting tired of the political elites and the media trying to tell you, what you should think, what you should think about, what you should say and what you believe? They manipulate, twist and decide what you hear, they decide what is important, and they say it in a way that influences how they want you to see it. Enough is enough. Mr. Trump took the lead in this and Dr. Carson and the others joined in like respectable candidates on the same team usually always do. Thank you Mr. Trump, Dr. Carson, Mr. Christie and others, you just prove that when you have a leader, you can pull together and get things done. Do you think that we would be talking about anything at all if it wasn’t for Mr. Trump?? He has done more for the US than Obama has in seven years. This team would take care of all that is a problem in our nation right now. The media, Facebook, and top political people are so used to controlling what people see and hear; therefore, controlling what people think and feel. The fact that they can't control Donald J. Trump scares the crap out of them. He is speaking out where no one else wants to go and forcing other candidates to discuss matters that they would normally avoid real answers on during a presidential campaign. For a candidate to have a solid position on some of the most controversial policies during an election is almost unheard of. More often than not, they dance around the issues with their amazing speech writers, all the while, voters are being duped by not getting REAL answers on how or what the candidate would do on said issue. If Mr. Trump wins, the government would lose control of everything they hide from the American people. Mr. Trump would hold all of them accountable for their actions and we would no longer have corruption in politics—I guarantee it. 

The Truth:

Let’s get one thing clear that the media has not been clear on: Of the 3 current Republican candidates, they have a combined 20.6m popular votes. Trump has 10m votes - or 50%. Just FYI, 35-40% when running against 2-10 other people is still technically a majority and Trump has carried that throughout this election so far. So, for him to currently have 50%, speaks volumes about Trump’s electability.

By delegate count, there are 1714 divided among the current 3 candidates. Trump has 996 delegates, which means he actually does have the majority (71.4%) out of the remaining candidates. The media has said there WILL be a brokered convention as Trump has no way to get the 1237 delegates needed to claim the nomination outright; however, that couldn’t be less true. There are still 571 delegates left in this election that are up for grabs, and Trump only needs 241 (23.9%) of those that are left. Make no mistake, the media, liberals and anti-Trumper’s would love nothing more than for you to think that he does not have a chance. They are wrong, and if the polls are any indication of what is to happen in the future, then congrats on that nomination Mr. Trump!

Running on a platform to restore America’s economic and global leadership, Mr. Trump has won millions more votes and more delegates than any other GOP candidate in the 2016 presidential field. We’re voting in record numbers for the man who is the biggest vote-getter in American primary history. Do not leave your decision up to anyone else. Get registered and get out there and vote America! Let your voice be heard loud and clear. If not for your sake, then for the sake of all other Americans, to include your children, grandchildren and future generations to come! Let’s take back OUR America and with Mr. Trump “Make America Great Again!”

Thanks All! I will be back this week with more helpful information and exactly why I will be voting for Trump! Policies and all! 

Also, feel free to comment with any topics that you would like covered!

Kristen White

“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

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