Telling the facts, one blog at a time!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Voter Fraud: Truth?

Hello Readers!

Let me first start by saying that, I need to apologize to you all for not posting in a few weeks, as I have had some sudden life changes and writing has not been a top priority. On top of, I have been slowly writing about 5 different blogs for you all, but none that I feel passionate enough about, or that I feel will truly make a difference at this point in time in the election. Those will come soon though.

However, over the last couple of days I have witnessed dozens of people, campaigners and media outlets screaming “voter fraud!” and this not only shocks me, but saddens me that this is just now being realized by all. This has now sparked me to write to you all to inform you that, while this is all true, I have known it to always be a part of the process. Why is it such a shock to everyone else? Then, I remember, due to social media being the new normal way for everyone to receive their information now, lightning fast, this was not always the case before. I have to continue to remind myself of that. I will admit, I have never voted in an election before, until now, and I realize that may seem “stupid” to all of you, but I will further enlighten you of the process and why I have chosen not to involve myself fully before.

Did you know that the DNC and the RNC are both privately owned entities? Neither are actually part of the government. Yep, both “party” committees are fully privatized, with their own set of rules that can change at any given time. They are fully backed and funded by: private donors, corporations, labor organizations, federal government contractors, national banks and Super PACS. Meaning, that no matter which way you vote, be it Democrat or Republican, your vote doesn’t truly matter because each platform has their game plan and their own set of rules to overthrow what THE people want. The individuals running the platforms are just political elite party members who are favored within their particular party. In other words, can be bought and swayed easily. The chairmen/woman are told from the start, both parties, of who their nominee will be in each election, and it is the chairman/woman’s job to see to it that nomination happens. The elite do not believe that the people know what’s best for them, they haven’t for a long time. Ironic though, the Bernie supporters that are so “anti-establishment” are all uninformed about their party’s establishment roots. If they truly believed the establishment needs to be done away with, then they would encourage their “messiah” to go independent, but alas, they are new to the political regime and have no idea that they are voting with the ideals that they are screaming they are actually against. But, I digress, not even these two parties hold the key to the election – the publics rage with them is wrongful. The attention needs to be called towards the delegates and the electoral college.

What people fail to recall is that one does not become president by popular national vote… ever. One becomes president ONLY by 270 votes by the Electoral College. There’s been a bit of a secret political game going on since the mid 1950’s, or so, the truth is: presidential elections are now fought and won in just seven states. Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, and New Hampshire. These states are true swing states. They have no promised loyalty to one party or the other, hence the name “swing” state. The other 43 are already loyally pledged to either red or blue and there is not much changing that. There is only a rare occurrence where even these swing states can make a difference, and those only come into play if the party does not coalesce around their “chosen” party’s candidate. Which, I could argue I truly believe that should Trump reach the 1237 delegates that he needs to win outright, that the party will have no choice but to back him. To do otherwise is nothing short of party implosion and the end of the GOP as we know it. The party is learning quickly that with the new ways of obtaining and following information, that they cannot hide what they’re doing from the public, so, they will be forced to adhere to what the nation decides. That’s why the current goal is to not allow Trump to reach the official delegate count; however, it is still within the realm of possibility. Now, I could go on and on about how I believe the Electoral College vote will play out, but I want everyone else to do their own research on the matter. What I can say is this, I think that if it comes down to a Hillary VS Trump presidency, there will only be 4 swing states making the decision, and of those, they’re either not impressed with either, or leaning more towards Trump. Should the Republican Party choose to commit party suicide and not back Trump, if he reaches the delegates needed, then we will see the rare occurrence of these 7 swing states coming into play. Trump not succeeding in retaining the needed delegates will, however, lead to a brokered convention.  Same goes with Bernie on the other side. The brokered convention and a complete electoral college process will be broken down later in another blog. Let’s stick to what’s right in front of us now, and what we can all begin to do to ensure your party’s, whichever party you’re for, success. 

                I bring this all up because I hear so many people constantly stating that, “Hillary has won this already! What does it matter what we the people do?” This is wrong on so many levels. This is the defeatist attitude the parties and the media want you to have. This election is far from over. I run into far too many people that literally have no clue about what they’re backing. All that matters to them is who seems to run the platform that most closely represents their moral beliefs and values, and to hell with what anyone else thinks. You cannot pick your president this way and expect it to be rainbows and sunshine. They will fail you. There’s so much more going on behind the scenes and if you don’t have a solid understanding of this, then you will be disappointed. For instance, should Bernie manage to get into the White House, his policies will never pass Congress. He cannot bring the two parties together and he will be another empty suit with another 8 years of a phone and a pen, is that really what you want? Even Trump has a better chance of bringing the two parties together than, say Hillary, does. Look at his crossover votes, that matters!

People need to understand the election process further before they give up. The media is allowing you to be dissuaded from your candidate - be it Bernie, Trump, Kasich, etc. They are only showing you skewed information to make you give up and go home. It’s been interesting seeing the media misconstrue every word that comes out of Trump’s mouth and that’s what everyone eats up. However, now the Democratic Party is fearing Bernie’s rise so now they are doing the same to him, and you know what comments I see everywhere? “I’ll believe it when I see it!” Or, my favorite, “He NEVER said that, the media is twisting his words and it’s not fair!” Really? How is it suddenly not fair? Because it’s against your candidate? Hahaha, interesting. Look, right now, the fact is, this is nothing more than a horse race. Each party has their “chosen” candidate and all of the party elitists have placed their bets. It’s all fun and games for them! When the underdog’s start to rise, each party has damage control to do, but, ultimately, your vote does not really matter. It helps, but that’s not all there is to all of this: not by a long shot! If you truly want your candidate to win, I will give you the only solution.

My solution to you, to those who are involved in this election and truly want to make a difference, or a “revolution,” make sure your voice is heard, backed by FACTS! Simply voting will not make the difference. For instance, my long-time friend, Angie Peterson (I added her YouTube channel at the end of this blog for your viewing pleasure), is tirelessly working to spread her knowledge as far and wide as she can. She believes that knowledge is power, and that’s the pure unadulterated truth! Whether you are voting Democrat or Republican does not matter to me in the least. Educating yourself on WHAT and WHO you are voting for is the important part. Then, you can take that information and act on it. By educating yourself and others, you’re beginning to make a difference. Don’t stop there! Use that knowledge, begin writing to the delegates in your district to tell them how you feel…. again, use FACTS. We will not win a revolution to overthrow the government on pure emotion, no, we will win this thing with knowledge and bringing the politics-as-usual government to their knees. We ALL must write-in to the selected delegates in our districts, go viral with blogging or vlogging, go to rallies, stage protests! Do something besides complain! Give the parties, media and government no other option but to listen to their constituents!

Add in note: If you're unaware of your voting district, which is normal, start by contacting your Secretary of State, followed by your party affiliation within your state. For instance, California does have a republican and a democrat party headquarters. The link below is interactive. You can click on your state and find all of the information listed about your states voting laws, how many districts, how many delegates and a list of all the people you're able to contact by clicking on them.

Thanks All! I will be back shortly with more helpful information. Feel free to comment with any topics that you would like covered!

Kristen White
“The world is a place of constant change. If we are open and ready to consider everything while remaining unbiased, we will be ready to accept these changes and utilize them to improve our lives.” ― Daniel Willey

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